Yesterday a new president was inaugerated as president of the Oglala Sioux Tribe on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. The ceremony was full of pageantry, solemnity and tradition, as well as an easy going, relaxed acceptance of its schedule and missed details.
The printed programs arrived part way through the ceremony, a person was incorrectly identified (much to the crowds enjoyment), everything proceeded ahead of schedule, to the dismay of the master of ceremonies, ("I will get fired for this", was his frequent comment) and a last minute unscheduled speaker or two took over the microphone.
The casual approach, mixed with the solemnity and traditional rituals, from the passing of the sacred pipe, the drumming, the elegant headdresses on the elders, the annointing of the new president with a feathered headress and all of the speakers who made notice of not only the newly elected officials, but also the retired ones, made for a comfortable and impressive ceremony.
I couldn't help comparing yesterday's inaugeration to our ceremonies....precise, dignified, on schedule and not unexpected. In spite of the fact that I am not of the Lakota culture, I thoroughly enjoyed the pageantry, as well as the "going with the flow" attitude.
What was most noteworthy was the utmost respect for the elderly, their traditions, and, in the midst of the poverty and despair among the people, the underlying and strong message of hope - hope for the future - hope for the generations to follow.
I can only imagine that over the years of suppression on the reservation, that the Lakota people are growing, in large fact to their humor, relaxed attitude and eternal hope and struggle for a better tomorrow.
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