Thursday, January 24, 2013

Off to Washington DC

After a year of meetings, planning, writing, developing, researching, promoting, hoping and strategizing, five of our people from Save our VA group are heading to Washington to meet with the Secretary of the Veterans Administration. The proposal developed by one of our committees has been sent in advance to General Shinseki. Our five delegates have the job of selling it to the powers that be so that we will be able to keep our very special VA facility from closing, and expand it to accomodate the needs of our veterans, with a focus on those suffering from PTSD, brain tauma, substance abuse and homelessness and joblessness.

The creativity of our locals who developed this proposal continues to amaze me. It is certainly a win-win for the VA, our veterans, and the taxpayers who fund the military.

We, at home, are waiting with bated breath for the return of the five. So much rests on their shoulders, yet, whatever the outcome, we are proud, so very proud of their efforts and those of all of us from this veteran's town who have worked tirelessly, with no monetary compensation. We have, however, received a rich reward. We have united with a diverse group of locals, most unkown to us one year ago, and have felt the deep satisfaction that comes with striving for a common goal that may benefit so very many for years to come.

Tonight, as I write these words, my feelings of pride are mixed with anxiety, hope, fear and confidence in our year-long efforts and those five carefully selected individuals who are on their way to plead our cause.

No matter what the outcome, the pride that rises within will never leave. It will remain for history to validate our story...the story of a town that had a dream, a dream which became a proposal that Washington should not ignore.

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