Monday, March 3, 2014


It has been a cold, bleak winter. A popular restaurant closed and McDonald's backed out of building here. But 5:30 this morning... our favorite restaurant re-opened. (Favorite because it is near-by and serves breakfasts, our favorite meal.)

It is open seven days a week, three meals a day, and it opens at 5:30! All of this was great news for us, and to top it off, it includes on the menu, in a noticeable box, a breakfast with a dollar donation going to Save Our VA! If you go there notice the inexpensive price for that breakfast.

To add a cherry to the topping of all the rest, it serves lunch with an all-you-can-eat salad bar. The only problem is that I love to eat out for breakfast, but I am also partial to salad bars. I guess we will have to split our time between the two meals.

The owners are gracious and aim to please the locals. Tourists will be welcome, of course, but the focus is on those of us who brave out the winter in our southern Black Hills. I couldn't believe the number of patrons who came in while we were there. We knew most of them and tarried after our meal for another hour or so. There has been no grand opening...only an open sign. What a welcome sign! Welcome to the new to our community....but aware of the issues that meld and divide us. We are feisty for sure and this restaurant will be another addition as a gathering place for strategizing, preparing and plotting our next moves for our continual issues.

Open, open. open,  and welcome to our midst!

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