"Anybody home?" Our family came in the back door, filled with hugs, smiles and bearing gifts from Michigan. What joy; it has been too long. Our sixteen year old grandson has sprouted taller than the weeds and flowers in the garden. He is now taller than both of his parents. Our granddaughter is shooting up....too fast, too soon. What happened when we weren't looking? Childhood is over in the blink of an eye. Both of the grandchildren are too big for stories sitting on Grandma's lap. But there is pride in seeing how much each has grown and blossomed and wonderment in what the future holds for them both.
The telephone rings. It is a long-time friend calling from the Cities, checking in before his long trip to visit us and the beautiful Black Hills. We have much catching up to do. The time will be too short with too much to share. He will be arriving the day after our children leave for home.
Ding, dong! Our family had no sooner gone out our back door for the evening when another friend rang our front door. She stopped to say her good-byes. Again our times for sharing have been too short and too few. She left with promises to visit us again in three months.
Friends and family come in the back door and the front. Other connect by telephone or emails. Life flies by, and the connections, if by phone, mail or in person are treasured. The warmth that flows through these renewals with those of importance in who we were, are and continue to be, can never be diminished. Each who have touched our lives, enrich and energize us, and help us to be the best we can be.
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