Twenty citizens, at the most, usually attend the federal Congressional Field Hearings. Here in Hot Springs, SD we had almost 500! Unprecedented! A bus load of veterans came from Nebraska, about 50 Native veterans from Pine Ridge reservation, and the majority were from Hot Springs, the Veterans Town.
Our five from Save our VA presented data to support keeping our VA where it is to benefit the veterans and the taxpayers. They were direct, factual and passionate. (especially Amanda Campbell when she demanded the removal of Steve Distasio.) When questioned by the congressionals, Kristi Noem from SD and Adrian Smith from Nebraska, all answered with back-up data.
In part two of the sessions Noem and Smith questioned the director of Black Hills Health care, Steve Distasio and Dr. Steven Julius, the medical director for the Black Hills VA facilities. These two, leaders of our two VA facilities could not respond to the questions put to them. It is best put by Representative Noem when she said "Frankly I am offended that Black Hills Health Care did not bring the numbers with them; they had nothing to show. Save the VA had all of its data and answered every question asked of them."
I was proud of everyone of our people testifying. I was proud of our congressional representatives who asked the difficult questions, not backing down before the arrogance of the representatives from the VA and I was proud of our townspeople who listened carefully, responded appropriately and showed restraint for the most part when their anger was seething at the deception and dodging by the leaders of the VA. Oh, yes, to be fair, one admitted that he received his bonus.
I am grateful that I was part of the meeting. The feelings flowing throughout can not be captured by the media, no matter how well they reported the hearings. I was there, I was there! How fortunate that in this time, at this place, at this historic meeting, I was there. We are making history important to all of our veterans and I am thankful that I was there!
For those who are interested in following this in detail, there will be articles in the Hot Spring Star, the Rapid City Journal and the entire proceedings on
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