What a difference a year makes. In early October, 2013 our beautiful Black Hills were covered with snow. Cattle had frozen by the hundreds after the devastating early storm that brought rain, cold, wind and snow, all of which were too much for the cattle and horses caught by the unexpected fury of the twists of nature.
Today we have passed the half way mark of October. The sun brightens the turning leaves, the air is crisp and clear and we are all enjoying the balmy waning days of Autumn. I have hopes that this coming winter will be milder and sunnier than the drawn out gray and freezing days of last year.
They yard signs for the November voting are prominent in many yards. "Vote for me", they proclaim. They, too, have promises, not unlike the weather. They suggest that they will make our lives better, that they will represent us, the voters.
As I enjoy my peaceful walk to the river and back, I wonder if, like the weather, the elected officials will turn their backs on their promises. Will they really listen to our hopes, or, like last year's October weather, will they turn to rain on our hopes, followed by the cold and wind of their personal desires and leave us covered with the heavy, wet snow of their ignorance or greed and self-interest?
I suppose only time will tell. Hope does seem to "spring eternal", but reality often crashes those same hopes. But then, many of the candidate do admit what they really stand for, and they do get elected. It follows that those that vote them in should not be surprised or complain with the results. We will see. Many promises of hopeful Autumn are dashed in the midst of winter.
This week promises to be sunny and mild. I intend to enjoy the weather as forecast. It may have to carry me through the reality to come. Beautiful, colorful October. Long may you reign!
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