The hoopla is over, including the disappearance of yard signs, flyers, letters and phone messages. Most everyone breathes a deep sigh of relief. The inundation of political messages has become exhausting, to say the least. And what was the result of this very expensive outlay in the promotion of candidates who will attempt to lead our country, state or county?
In most cases it is the "same ol, same ol". But then many vote by party only while others choose not to vote. As for me, I consider it a privilege and an obligation to do so. No matter the outcome, I have the right to complain. I filled in the slots in the ballot box. Those who do not do so, lose their right to complain, as far as I am concerned.
In our state many citizens vote by party only. They check the R spot with no thought and go merrily on their way. That seems to be a comparison to those who neglect the polls all together. No thought, no effort, no strain. Life goes on, but perhaps, in time, not to their best interests. Our state actually elected a politician who in the past, as an elected official, was involved in some government issues tainted with suspicion, and who is presently under investigation by the FBI. Go figure!
Our state and county have re-elected some who vote against the wishes of the majority and who are influenced by the large corporations. Go figure!
Our state and county have elected officials who vote for themselves instead of the people they are supposed to represent. Go figure!
Some of these corporations have bribed citizens to write letters supporting them and to influence un-informed citizens to vote for them. Go figure!
Our state voted in two ballot measures, one to raise the minimum wage and one for doctor choice. The majority voted against the prevailing wishes of many of the same candidates they put into office. Go figure!
But then look at history, world-wide. Perhaps nothing has really changed. Perhaps it never will, except for brief interludes of hope. There have been major and minor revolutions....medical, political, social, scientific, spiritual and cultural. They have brought discomfort, hope, chaos and, at times, bloodshed. Change is never easy, and seldom peaceful. From the American Revolution and the French Revolution to the Civil Right protests. The list goes on and on.....from the Old Testament through today. And yet, looking carefully, the world has become a better place in many ways and places through time and upheavals. Think about it, would you choose to live in Europe during the Middle Ages? What about during the glory of Rome?
Check out history books or historical dramas. We are in a better place now in so many ways. We have a long way to go but I prefer to live here and now in this place and time. If the citizens become too angry, then we may see another revolution, peaceful or otherwise. Time will tell. Go figure!
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