Meow, meow, meow. Skitty, the calico stray peers into our back door begging for food. Muddy, her black and white offspring, sits on the railing looking into our back window. First thing in the morning when I open the blinds, he sits looking in at me, wide-eyed with anticipation.
Bob and I have become accustomed to the sight, early morning and later in the day. When we drive home, both cats recognize the car and come running to our door, waiting for their handouts.
Last week I opened the front door to let in the warmth of the early sun into our front porch. Meow, meow. Front paws on the screen door was the neighbor's large white cat asking for attention. I opened the door and he trotted in, walked around a bit and sped back out. Every day since he is at the door. He is solid and must weigh 20 pounds. He is not needing food. We don't know what he expects, but whenever we exit the front door, he follows us around. We know he lives across the street but somehow he has the idea that we are his second home. Once in a while he shows up at our back door, much to our alley cat's dismay. Muddy's large eyes grow larger when he shows up, especially when he nibbles on his food. The nerve of that fat cat! He is a well-fed house cat, obviously pampered, and he is infringing on the alley cats' territory.
What can I say? I can pet him (which is fun since the alley cats will not allow the touch), but now, no matter which door I exit, there is a cat or two, looking up at me with that look of "poor me. Take pity and feed me."
We are surrounded. I hate to say this, but we have become the cat house of the neighborhood. Shhhhhh..........
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