Sunday, January 18, 2015

The Joys of Small Town Living

You have heard them before: less crime, less traffic, less pollution. These are some of the parts of small towns that many enjoy. Oh, yes, we gave up terrific theater, multiple restaurants, extensive shopping, etc. when we retired to the rural area. There are pluses and minuses to both the life of congestion and the one of open spaces. As for me, I am contented that I experienced both types in my lifetime.

In retirement, I am pleased that I am living with fewer people, in a quieter venue. Now, instead of the previously mentioned enticements of the small town, I am suggestion a few that may not have entered your consciousness:

What about the ease of locating your car in the parking lot of the grocery store? You don't have to remember the number of the row in which you parked and wander around for 15 minutes trying to locate your car.

If push comes to shove, all necessary shopping is within walking distance. Even the medical facilities are within a short taxi ride or a hitch with a neighbor or friend.

Each stop for shopping, post office, city hall, court house or city pool is a social event. I can count on one hand the times that I did not run into someone and had a pleasant visit. The most heated and lengthy discussions usually occur in the Plunge pool, steam room or sauna.

Cars often stop for you when you are trying to cross the street, and not just at the corner required stops.

There is only one stop light in the downtown.

The nights are quiet, with the exception of the fourth of July weeks, but most of us are happy to be immersed in the peacefulness after a full day of conversations with most folks we know, and at times, some we don't.

Neighbors know one another and watch out for each other. Doors are seldom locked because many eyes keep a watch on nearby houses. (Just don't forget to tell the neighbor when a friend may stop over to use your oven while you are gone.)

It took me a few years to adjust to the fact that meeting a deadline on the other end of town did not take 30 or more minutes. Even in Rapid City to our north I could make a doctor's appointment across town in ten minutes.

Forget a credit card or your phone on the counter? Not to worry. You will get a phone call very soon.

Where else do teenagers hold the door for you and wait for you to enter?

Six chickens are allowed in the back yard - a yard which becomes bug free and richly fertilized. Super enriched tasty eggs are shared with neighbors.

No matter the restaurant, you usually run into someone you know. Hugs are freely given.

As a taxpayer, your voice is heard (and at times heeded) at council and commission meetings.

As the old saying goes, "The best part of small town living is that everyone knows you. The worst part is that everyone knows you."

Each person must choose for him or herself...anonymity in a city, or familiarity in the small town.
Bob and I have chosen the first for our career years and the latter during retirement. We have had the best and the worst of each world. Works for us!

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