Friday, June 5, 2015

Raining Cats and Dogs

"It isn't raining rain you know, it's raining violets."

That old song has sung its refrain in my head too often the past month. Don't get me wrong. We do live in high desert and that follows we live through many forest fires. My second book was all about a horrendous fire we experienced here in 2007 on 7/7/7 after seven years of drought. It changed our lives and I suffered PTSD for years after. So, that should mean that I welcome the rains. And, in truth, I do. Everything is green. We do not have to water our emerging plants in the garden. Our long unwatered lawn has recovered from mainly weeds and dirt to actual grass and green weeds.

On the other hand, one of the reasons we moved here was because of the weather.....more sun and low humidity. Now I am beginning to feel like a mushroom. Some days I want to shout, "Enough already!"

And so, I welcome the rains filling our lakes and aquifers, renewing plants long sleeping in the dry earth, and softening my dreams, no longer filled with smoke and fear. On the other hand.....

Oh, yes, we who live in this corner of paradise are grateful we do not have the flooding and storms challenging other areas. So stop complaining already!!

Then today I received a large envelope in the mail. It was from my granddaughter. She enjoys drawing and spends much of her time with her paper and colored pencils. She sent a drawing that was titled "It's Raining Cats and Dogs! Happy Spring Grandpa and Grandma."

Cats and dogs are falling from the sky, two with parachutes and one dog landing on its head. The grass is long and green and Bob is standing to the side with his hands on his head, mouth opened wide, shouting AHH!

Of course this grandpa and grandma chuckled at this gift from a long-distance grand daughter who shared her feelings about our situation.

Welcome rains. The long drought is over for now. The thunder rolls in the distance, the lightning lights up the sky, the rain spatters on the windows, the alley cats have disappeared into some secret shelters, the mushrooms are emerging from the soggy grass, and in my office above my computer, a colorful drawing brings smiles to all who stop by.

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