Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Every Life is Important

The news filtered from the living room television. I could hear bits and pieces from the kitchen: "thousands of refugees fleeing into nearby countries, boat loads of starving escaping horrors I will never fully comprehend, ISIS killing and pillaging, Ebola outbreaks, Putin pontificating, Israel threatening, politicians polluting, Trump trumpeting, senseless shootings, the wealthy and movie and sport idols strutting in front of cameras."

The lead stories focused on the sensational and the negative. Those who control most of the power and the money make use of their power and money to profit themselves at the expense of the environment and the rest of humanity, referred to as the other 90%.

From kings, emperors, popes, empires and invaders to terrorists, large narcissistic corporations, and those in power through money or position, we hear the stories of greed and corruption in both the history books and the modern news media.

But there are, in the midst of the sensational exploiters, the inspiring exceptions. There are some with wealth who actually use it to help others.

Last week Bob and I listened to Charlie Rose interview Warren Buffet and Bill and Melinda Gates. They have a foundation dedicated to donating millions of dollars to causes such as health care and education. They made their millions and are now spending their time giving it away for the betterment of humanity.

Their belief is that "every life is important." They act on this belief by giving away the money they made to help others. What a gift to the world! What a gift to themselves! They are in the top 10% and they have found meaning in their lives. Better yet, they are being joined by others of wealth.

What a joy to know that there are those who care and share. They had a choice to spend it on themselves and seek every pleasure available to them, but they searched for purpose through giving.

It warms my heart and gives me hope. There is good out there, even among the top 10%.  Yes, Virginia, once again, there is a Santa Claus!

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