There are those times when some of us believe that there is no justice in this world. Crooks go free, leaders send the youth to fight and die, the rich protect their assets from the IRS, the rich get richer and ......etc. etc.
There you have it. The world is not fair, never is and never was.
But then, once in a while, justice has a say. You can sense a sigh of relief. Finally, finally some get their dues. Yesterday in nearby Custer, South Dakota, the leader of the FLDS cult was arrested on charge of money laundering and fraud in regard to food stamp money. Hundreds of federal agents in Utah and Arizona were breaking down doors and arresting cult members in those compounds, while in our next door county a lone Custer County Sheriff was quietly arresting the leader of the FLDS compound near Pringle, SD.
I need write no more. You can google it for yourself. It is quite a story. But here in our neck of the woods, folks are rejoicing and saying, "Finally. Finally they got the goods on a cult that lives tax free, obtains water rights for more members (and they won't say how many), obtain services illegally from the federal government, live secretly with the older men marrying many young women who often get pregnant in their early teens and live their lives in servitude to the authoritarian elders, and who eject any of the younger men who may interfere with their polygamous life style. And, they do all of this in the name of "religion" and keep the women behind walls of ignorance, obedience and fear.
We can only speculate about the outcomes of these arrests. Maybe new leaders will rise up and the cults will continue as before, but they won't be stealing millions of dollars from taxpayers and diverting the money into enriching their pockets through aliases, disguises, false identifications, moving and hiding members from one compound to another. Well, at least not for the time being.
So secrets are revealed and justice, wonderful justice is in the works for a group, that in the name of religion, abuses and uses. How sweet the word sounds....justice. At long last there is a wind of justice blowing through our land. And none too soon. It is needed today, more than ever.
Meanwhile in our neighboring county we have a sheriff who, on his own, with no impressive backup, quietly arrested the man who a short time before, was in our state capital, requesting more water rights for his group of "he didn't know how many", and he got it! Unbelievable, but he did. Now he is in jail. The sighs of many funnel the comfort of a justice, long overdue. At long last!
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