Saturday, April 23, 2016

Last, Last Chance

Our extension to send our comments to the EIS is ending on May 5th. Today several of us volunteers worked the crowd at the Mueller Center who were there for the Spring Fling. It was exciting to get so many comments from those who want to Save our VA in Hot Springs. It was surprising how many had simply forgotten to do it during these past 4 months.

"I meant to do it but I got busy. I'll do it now." or,

"I won't sign a sheet. It will do no good. The government will not listen to us. They have made up their minds." or,

"My father is a 60 year veteran and they will not care for him at our VA since he has too much money. Funny, our guys in Congress get full health care and pensions for life. All we veterans are asking for is health care from a VA." or,

"Congress wants to send us to Syria or Iraq or Afghanistan, but they do not want to give us health benefits when we return. I know that we save the taxpayers money by having the VA hospitals, but they want us to go to regular hospitals that will cost more. What gives?" or,

"Our retired veterans at the State Veterans Home were put on Medicare so they can receive medical help at Rapid City Regional or the Hot Springs hospital. Who will pay the other 20%?" or,

"If those guys in Congress had served in the military, things would be different." or

"If our representatives had the same health care as we have....."

Oh, yes, this is our last chance. Will they listen? Maybe they will, maybe they won't, but, at the end of the day, whatever happens, I know I did all I could for our veterans, present and future.

As happens with change, for better or worse, we will live through it if our community loses more residents, if our veterans lose heart, we will survive. Well, at least most of us will. There will be those veterans who commit suicide and some of those could have been helped at our VA, one of the best in the USA for helping veterans who suffer emotional issues. There will be more homeless veterans who could not make the adjustment. There will also be those who mismanage their prescriptions because psychiatric help is less available. Their pain and overuse of prescription drugs will not end well for them. This has already happened in our small community, most likely connected to the many cuts that have occurred over the past years.

I can't help but wonder. How many of those in Congress, who are supposed to represent us, will suffer the same fate? If they do get depressed, suffer from PTSD, brain trauma or drug abuse, the most superior health care is available for them. They did serve and they get it all.

All our veterans ask is for health care in a system that understand their needs. What is wrong with this picture? What happened to "If they send them, they should mend them?"

Now, all we can do is to wait. Wait for a decision from Washington. Some of us are looking at alternative use for our VA. My hope is that it will not come to that. But now the fight is nearing an end and we will wait, and hope and wish for wisdom from those who make the decisions from afar.

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