Saturday, October 29, 2016

Time Outs

Weather is cyclical and if we take time to notice, so is life. Oh there are a few who ride the waves on a regular basis, but that continual stress, in the long run, take its toll.

Today the weather is gray and drizzly after days of beautiful fall sunshine and mild temperatures. When I went out to take care of the chicken chores the neighborhood was unusually quiet, dampened by the weather I suspect. The chickens were less fussy. It is peak molting time for them and their egg laying has ceased. They are anticipating the onset of the cold of winter.

It took some effort to leave the warmth of the bed this morning. The gray on the outside seeped into the house. It helped to sit by the glow of the fire, listen to our favorite music and wait for the whistle of the teakettle announcing the imminent arrival of our hot tea.

This day strongly suggests that I slow down, enjoy the pleasures of the moment and get ready for the colder, blustier days ahead. I follow the hint from the chickens. There will always be the return of the noise and chaos, but for now. at this time, I will take time for reflection and rejuvenation.
Thank you, chickens, for reminding me there is a time to work and a time to sit back and ignore the blather from the outside world.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Documentary about the White Helmets of Syria

A few blogs back I wrote of the White Helmets, a group of brave people from Syria who do not fight others, but who save others. Since 2013 there have been over 130 White Helmets who have lost their lives, but during this time they have saved 58,000 lives.

If you get Netflix you can download the 40 minute documentary. If you need hope, take the time to view this video. I know for me, I can always use more stories of hope.

Why No Comments?

Recently I have been asked why I don't write about the political situation in our country at the present time. Here is my response:

First of all the media is already inundated with the political stuff. Why should I add to the noise?

Secondly, most folks have their minds made up and they only want to hear what reinforces their point of view. I feel no need to reinforce already established beliefs.

For those still in doubt about issues, hopefully they will research reputable sites.

On local elections and amendments voters have a more powerful say in any outcomes. That is where I put more effort into research in order to make the decisions I feel are best for our county or state.

Enough said about our current unusual political election. It may be time to read an entertaining book or to watch a bone-tickling comedy on Netflix. There is already too much hostility floating around our country. We all need to restore our sense of humor.

P.S. The search for power is seductive and, in the end, power can corrupt even the un-corruptible.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

The White Helmets of Syria

"Whoever saves one life, saves all of humanity," is a verse from the Koran that is the center of the mission of Syria's first responders. During this destructive war in Syria many have fled, joined one of the armies or joined ISIS.

In the midst of this chaos there is one group of Syrians - teachers, doctors, engineers, construction workers, sons, daughters, parents - who did not flee the country or did not take up arms. Instead this group of dedicated volunteers goes into the worst of the destruction after every attack to save lives.

Among the worst of humanity, there has risen the best of humanity - The White Helmets. But how often do we hear about these brave men and women? The media covers ISIS and the worst aspects of the war, but leaves little room for this group of "non-fighters" who dare to rush into the direct aftermath of a bombing to rescue, to save, to comfort, with scant regard for their own safety.

I have seen some of them in some media shots (recognized by their white helmets) but they are simply identified as rescue workers. In fact the only coverage I have seen so far of these Syrians who do not hide behind a weapon is in a Time magazine and The Economist magazine.

In my last blog I wrote of the givers and the takers. Reading about these givers, the White Helmets, has given me hope. There is love among the ruins even in one of the most war torn countries in today's world.

We who live in the relative comfort and safety of our country can complain and demand and criticize, but, in the long run, even the volunteering that we do can in no way compare to the love and selflessness shown by these White Helmets who, in every case, face the ultimate sacrifice of giving their lives for others.

For all of you who are terrified of letting in those Syrian refugees, remember those who follow the true meaning of their faith in the words of the Koran. Are the words similar to the meaning in the Scriptures, as well as all of the different faiths followed by others in our world?

Maybe we aren't so different. Maybe in all beliefs there are the extremists and the takers, but I want to believe that the majority in all faiths are those who follow the words of love.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Giving vs Taking

Wealth? No
Fame? No
Indulgence? No

None of the above are a path to happiness. In time all of them turn sour unless they are used to help or encourage others on their journey through life. If you search through religious or philosophical beliefs through time, they all conclude with the same message of hope: "love others as yourself."

In a strange way it seems if one loves oneself, that love flows out to those who share time and space in this world. Today even the health gurus are spreading the word that not only exercise and a healthy diet are crucial to a long and vigorous life, but social connections are as important.

Living solitary loses its luster. Connecting with others and giving of time to the needs of others brings a happiness in return to the giver that cannot be reached through wealth, fame or self-indulgence. Ask a volunteer. They know about giving and its rewards.

Giving brings so much more in return than self medicating through drugs or self absorption. Yet in today's world we have become addicted to instant gratification through our smart phones or the internet.

So when the police stop a driver who is on the cell phone he/she responds with "I know this is dangerous while driving, but I just had to find out who was texting me."

Or, "I couldn't wait until I saw the doctor. I had to take the drug for instant pain relief or a flight from the real world."

Or, "I just have to answer my phone even though we are together in a restaurant. After all, the world will fall apart without my instant response."

Or, "I know you called me first, but I have call waiting and the one who called me after you is more important than you, so I will call you back."

And on and on it goes. Life gets faster, colder and less connected. It is all about me, me, me! There is no room for you. Yes, the internet is a great way to connect with others in a casual sense and if face-to-face is impossible, but real, heartfelt connections come through a direct eye-ball, hand shake, hug, look at my expression relationship.

Giving of me to you through my time and caring, be it over food, in the steam room, on the steps of the post office, over the back yard fence, it does not matter. What matters is me to you directly, with patience and love.

Hey world, I must remind myself, "love me and love you. Enough of I, I, I and more of you, you, you! In this sped up world in which I often get stuck, please nudge me toward taking time for both me and for you."

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