Saturday, October 22, 2016

Why No Comments?

Recently I have been asked why I don't write about the political situation in our country at the present time. Here is my response:

First of all the media is already inundated with the political stuff. Why should I add to the noise?

Secondly, most folks have their minds made up and they only want to hear what reinforces their point of view. I feel no need to reinforce already established beliefs.

For those still in doubt about issues, hopefully they will research reputable sites.

On local elections and amendments voters have a more powerful say in any outcomes. That is where I put more effort into research in order to make the decisions I feel are best for our county or state.

Enough said about our current unusual political election. It may be time to read an entertaining book or to watch a bone-tickling comedy on Netflix. There is already too much hostility floating around our country. We all need to restore our sense of humor.

P.S. The search for power is seductive and, in the end, power can corrupt even the un-corruptible.


  1. I heard today that a person was going to vote for Platform and not the person cause they do not like either one!

  2. I heard today that a person was going to vote for Platform and not the person cause they do not like either one!


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