There was a poetry reading last night at our Hot Springs Library. The poets read with enthusiasm, be it a poem filled with sadness, regret or humor. It was inspiring to hear those filled with the love of poetry share their feelings with an audience.
One that touched me the most was the poet who, before she read her poem, shared the background to its inspiration. She attends a weekly meeting of artisans at our local co-op. She was in awe of what each of these artists brought to the group. There were shawls and quilts and other various artistic endeavors. She knew that she had no talent with the paint brush so she shared that her artistry was with words. "I paint with words", she said.

My mind soared to other venues, equally artistic. It is not only in the crafts or arts created through the hands, but she reinforced that other avenues are open to creating beauty. I thought of those who draw blueprints, and those who work with their hands constructing the vision of the blueprints. There are those who meld ingredients together to make the perfect loaf of bread, cookies, pies or even an entire meal. Others assist in healing others, teaching developing minds, performing dance or music, working in groups to form consensus, producing the crops to feed the people, squelching the destruction of flames, designing floral arrangements, building cars, computers or repairing products that make lives easier, and on and on. Every one can create to make our world a better place.
There are those who destroy, but there are more who enrich, much as the poet who paints with words.
After all, it is those who create, in whatever form, who are themselves enhanced and who continue to grow and feel the beauty of love and a part of universal creation.
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