Sunday, September 3, 2017


To anxious and proud grandparents everywhere:

When your grandchildren go to college you can only dream and hope for a succesful future. The parents had the hands-on preparation for sending their child off to create a better world while you had the hands-on in raising them. You see your work carried on through the third generation. Therein lies the hopes and dreams.

You wanted to protect your children from the mistakes you made, just as they do with their children.
Perhaps you did and perhaps they do, but in the end those young men and women beginning their journey into adulthood will make their own mistakes. The hope is that they will learn from those experiences and turn them into learning for a lifetime. There is more to knowledge than the years spent in classes.

Wisdom and growth come through academics, living and making those inevitable errors. As one of these proud grandparents I take encouragement from the lyrics of the familiar song by Peter Tosh:

"But I got to pick myself up
Dust myself off
Start all over, again."

Next generation, may you keep picking yourself up and growing in wisdom for the rest of your years on this earth!


  1. This is so true, Mary. The number 1 thing in life is when things don't go as we like is Pray and pick yourself up, Learn from it and start again.
    Thank you for everything you. Very wise words.

    1. And you are wise in realizing that starting over is a lifelong endeavor. None of us are perfect. What matters is the continuation of improving ourselves and our world around us.

  2. AS a parent whose child went off to college, I share the same sentiment. All I do is hope and pray the teachings in the home given to the now college student pay off and he could learn more from peers and professors. Hope there is no indoctrination, but education to be learned.

    1. It's great that you are a parent who has learned to "let go" after you have provided the foundation for the journey through life.


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