Sunday, April 20, 2014

A Victory for our Veterans

We sat side by side in the hot tub. "I would come here more often if I could afford it," he said to me. "I am in the Dom for six months and love to relax here and mix in with regular people. It is good to get away for a bit from the struggles and turmoil of recovery."

Ouch, those words hurt when I first heard them, but it was true! Mingled in with all of the cut-backs by the VA in Hot Springs was one that went almost unnoticed by most. It was not a closure of surgery, the laundry, the greenhouse, the library or many beds in the domiciliary that have occurred,  but it was a cut that did have an impact on many receiving treatment for emotional issues in the "Dom".

Last year the VA stopped the practice of allowing veterans in treatment free access to the use of the facilities at our Evans Plunge, which includes exercise equipment, the pool filled with natural spring mineral waters, and the soothing effects of the health club hot tubs, sauna and steam room.

The city of Hot Springs used to fund half of the expenses and the VA funded the other half. Since the VA stopped paying, a few veterans who could afford the fee would use the Plunge, but many could not afford the entry price. Hot Springs is not the Veterans Town in name only. The city purchased the Plunge last summer and could offer a solution. Starting this month veterans in the treatment program at the Dom can use the health club for a nominal fee of $2.00. The VA may have made another cut to our veterans, but the city of Hot Springs made the decision that  our health club is an important part in the recovery of those suffering from PTSD, substance abuse, brain trauma or other emotional issues. They are welcome at our Plunge along with the locals who use the Plunge regularly as part of their health regime.

We are a community of healing, we honor veterans and in this latest quiet gesture we are saying, "Welcome to our town, welcome to our health club, welcome to another assist to your recovery."

Now I can relax in the health club and be assured that the veterans can, and do, make use of what I often so casually take for granted. I join them in a lifetime of healing.


  1. I'm curious. What did the VA stated regarding the stoppage of funding the plunge?

  2. As far as I know the VA never said anything. I first learned of it a few months ago when I was in the health club with another veteran. When we called the VA they said they could do nothing because of "confidentality issues". The city now owned the Plunge so the city decided to allow veterans in the treatment program entrance for the small charge, and it was done. The veterans are delighted and grateful.


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