Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Best Part and the Worst Part

We met a medical professional who was recently employed in Hot Springs. He had moved from the east coast and was learning who we were, what we were and all the goings on in this town. I told him about the question we were frequently asked by our friends when we moved here from the Cities. "What is the best part of living in a small community?" And, "What is the worst part of living in a rural area?"

Our answers were always the same, "The best part is that everybody knows you. The worst part is that everybody knows you."

The newcomer laughed and said he knew exactly what I meant. He had flown to Rapid City and purchased a vehicle for his drive to work in Hot Springs. On his first day at work he was stopped by the highway patrol and got a ticket for speeding. That very same day some woman came to the counter and said, "I saw you get stopped by the police today."

We both enjoyed his story with all that it implied. This is small-town living at its best, or worst, however you look at it.

Over the years of living here I have come to realize that the best part outweighs the worst. Rumors spread. Stories become enlarged and twisted, but, in the end, the feeling of others knowing who I am and, for the most part, being genuinely concerned and interested in that part of "who I am", is more enriching than being faceless in a crowd of people. Sure, there are misunderstandings and misinterpretations of motives, but for those who really care, there are opportunities to ask me face-to-face about the rumors. If they don't ask, then they remain less informed, less wise and sheltered by their ignorance. That is their loss, not mine. As for me, I continue on my journey through this life, trying to remain open to all challenges that flow by.

One thing is for certain, in a small community there are many more of these opportunities. It is a matter of choosing which ones and at what time. Life is full and I feel blessed. I wish the same for the newest arrival to our town.

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