Tuesday, June 27, 2017

A Toast to Talented Youth

This one is not just a personal goodbye. It is farewell to our town of Hot Springs.

I worked closely with our city administrator for several years. At first we had our differences, but soon I gained respect for him and his position even though we still might have disagreed on some issues.

He could be counted on to respond to my concerns swiftly, and when appropriate he acted on them just as rapidly as the city budget allowed.

He took over the position as city administrator almost three years ago. He brought with him energy, talent and honesty. He also carried some attitude that offended many folks who thought him too young to lead our community. But lead he did. He and the finance officer built up the city finances. He strengthened both city owned entities...the golf course and the Evans Plunge facility. He brought transparency to local government, a remarkable web site for the city and encouraged collaboration among volunteer groups, organizations and businesses.

He leaves us at the end of this month to climb the corporate ladder as his talents allow. Of course we wish him the best and have always known that his time with us would be brief, but this goodbye is painful. Our community is largely made up of retirees. The young and talented bring a breath of fresh air and hope. I will miss him but am optimistic that many of the advances he brought to Hot Springs will continue and grow.

This I do know. He will continue to grow and make us all proud.

Friday, June 23, 2017

Gratefully Yours

We chatted about this and that. We told him about our town of Hot Springs...the struggles, the joys and everything in between.

He was the manager of the Olive Garden restaurant and had stopped at our table because our waiter had passed on Bob's complaint about his meal. At first the dark, handsome, young manager had offered Bob's meal at no charge. We thought it was most gracious of him.

One thing led to another and we spent a lengthy time in conversation until he was paged to another part of the restaurant. In a few minutes our waiter returned to our table and Bob asked for our check.

"There is none. You both get a free meal."

"But my meal was fine." I told him.

"That doesn't matter. The manager said he enjoyed his talk with you so much that he wants to offer you both a meal on the house."

What a treat!  Of course we will return to the Olive Garden when we are back in Rapid City. Such generosity is not unappreciated, and we, too, enjoyed our pleasant exchange.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Once Again

It's that time of year for proud parents to brag about their graduating child. They have spent 18 years of teaching, admonishing, warning, encouraging, disciplining and loving that child. Now it is their time to rightfully brag, feel proud and send out the photos.

At the same time these same proud parents are grieving and struggling to let go. It is time to send out that child that they have nurtured and protected into the cold, uncaring, dangerous world. At least that's the way it must feel after the years that they have provided a safe environment in their home.

Now is the time for the "bird to fly from the nest." In the case of the birds, never to return. Parents forget at times that their child will always remain their child, to cherish and worry about for the rest of their lives. Once a parent, always a parent. Once a child, always a child, even after "death do you part."

                            The last formal occasion before the son leaves the nest.

                                                        Congratulations to the parents for a job well done!
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