Saturday, October 29, 2016

Time Outs

Weather is cyclical and if we take time to notice, so is life. Oh there are a few who ride the waves on a regular basis, but that continual stress, in the long run, take its toll.

Today the weather is gray and drizzly after days of beautiful fall sunshine and mild temperatures. When I went out to take care of the chicken chores the neighborhood was unusually quiet, dampened by the weather I suspect. The chickens were less fussy. It is peak molting time for them and their egg laying has ceased. They are anticipating the onset of the cold of winter.

It took some effort to leave the warmth of the bed this morning. The gray on the outside seeped into the house. It helped to sit by the glow of the fire, listen to our favorite music and wait for the whistle of the teakettle announcing the imminent arrival of our hot tea.

This day strongly suggests that I slow down, enjoy the pleasures of the moment and get ready for the colder, blustier days ahead. I follow the hint from the chickens. There will always be the return of the noise and chaos, but for now. at this time, I will take time for reflection and rejuvenation.
Thank you, chickens, for reminding me there is a time to work and a time to sit back and ignore the blather from the outside world.


  1. Not to dampen your relaxation Mary but I feel the grey clouds and the drizzle of rain are years and dampness falling on all of us standing with Standing Rock and the people there, Native and All other nationalities Standing to protect the water and all our livelihood. Alot has happened yesterday that saddens and grieves many of us. Our hearts Cry's out for those that have lost love ones up there and pray for Safety of all that has been arrested including medics that are there helping the protectors. Sorry, Mary but tears flow easily today.

    1. Years was to be tears not years

    2. There is a time for tears, and anger and frustration, for speaking up and prayer, but for those of us not on the front lines at Aleppo, Haiti, Iraq, the boats carrying the immigrants fleeing from Syria or Standing Rock, we have an opportunity to take some time from the media innundation of the horrors to mankind to replenish our souls in order to prepare to assist in whatever way is possible for us, be it monitary contributions, emotional support, standing up for our beliefs in a way available to us, or with our tears. For me this day, I am with the molting chickens preparing for the winter ahead.


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