Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Grackle Wars

Every Spring since living in town we have been invaded by noisy, pushy grackles. At first two arrive. I can live with that, but soon they are joined by many others, intimidating my usual smaller birds that dine at my feeders. They have been known to eat smaller birds and steal their food.

Because of their aggressive behavior, and because I can no longer enjoy my regular chickadees, colorful red and yellow finches and other smaller birds, I have declared war on these intruders. The only birds remaining in their territory (our yard) are the morning doves and robins, although both of them tend to shy away when a flock of grackles appear.

Last year I removed two of their nests before the eggs arrived. They simply moved to the taller trees in the area. In fact, this year they made their nests out of range from the start. They have long memories.

I asked my husband to hit one with a pellet gone to warn off the others. He refused to help. This year I purchased a Stinger type of pellet gun that I could load and shoot. In my first shooting attempt, I missed and they flew off, close enough to taunt me with their arrogant attitude. From then on I could not get close enough to shoot. They recognize me at once and fly out of my range. They are smart birds, I give them that.

For now I have given up. I know that I will stop filling the feeders. They manage to feed from them in spite of the fact that these feeders are specially made for smaller birds. The blue jays and doves feed from the ground, but these clever birds somehow juggle themselves onto the feeder, spilling seed on the ground for all to feast.

I hate to say it, but so far the grackles are winning, and when their babies arrive, our yard will be teeming with these annoying pests. Looking at the positive, I do appreciate their consumption of the more destructive grasshoppers.

For now I am saying goodbye to my colorful regulars. I will offer them feed again when these menacing meddlers depart for the season.

1 comment:

  1. Now, if you could just train them to eat politicians, they would at least be good for something!


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