Saturday, November 23, 2013

Our Homeless Veterans

My husband just showed me an article from Habitat for Humanity focus 2013. My anger surged and my heart ached to be confronted again by the words from the article: "According to the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, a staggering 62,619 U.S. veterans are homeless. As a nation, we cannot - must not - forget our veterans."

The article goes on to state that at Habbit for Humanity saw that they were in a unique postition to help and since 2011 they have served more than 450 veterans and their families. You can learn more about Veterans Build at

Check it out. They are doing a great service for those who have served. But what about us here in our Hot Springs VA? We have a wonderful facility and room for homeless vets to live while they get healed and trained for future employment. We are located in a peaceful environment - healing in itself with its natural beauty and serenity. Out VA allows veterans to feel safe while they get their lives back. They can learn to cope with PTSD, substance abuse and emotional issues before they return to society and find their place with family and employment.

The proposal that the Save our VA committee came up with is innovative and cost-effective. If only The VA in Washington will listen, retain our facility and grow it to serve veterans who need emotional and physical help and a fulfilling career to support themselves and their families.

We are here. We have the room. We have community support. We have veterans who move here to be near our VA. We can save the taxpayers money. Why don't they listen? Why do we have all these homeless veterans roaming our streets, living under bridges, turning to drugs for comfort?  Why do we have so many veterans suicides? Why, why why? What is wrong with Washington? Why won't they listen to us?


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