Thursday, May 11, 2017

Heroes All

It has been over five years since the VA announced the closure of the Hot Springs VA. It was a puzzlement to many since our VA was rated one of the best in the country for servicing our veterans. During this time many services have been cut, including loss of doctors and other professional medical staff.

The community came together to save our VA, writing letters, making posters and signs, contacting our legistators and marching through town up to the VA. A committee was formed called Save Our VA. Some of the members went to Washington to meet with the head of the VA.

In spite of the rallying of the citizens and the South Dakota congressional representatives, things looked grim as more services were lost or sent to Fort Meade hospital. As time went on most of us slacked off, some discouraged, some busy with daily lives.

But during these years the people on Save Our VA have contnued to meet weekly, planning and working and speaking for our veterans. They had not lost hope. At long last there is light at the end of this gray winter. Much as the flowers have blossomed in purple, orange, lilac and white with the advent of another Spring, the announcement came from Washington that our VA would be put on hold while all the VA facilites are ranked nationwide.The best news is that our VA will be re-evaluated among all the others and we are a five-star facility, superior in every way.

There is hope, and all the members of Save Our VA are my heroes, deserving appreciation for their continual battle to do the best for the veterans using our VA.

The flowers slept through the long, bitter winter, but they have not died and have returned, ever a sign of hope.

Thanks to all of those on Save our VA who have not slept through the past six winters, but have struggled on so our town and VA can blossom once again.

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